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Katherine Anne Porter: A the bridge of the Times( Laurie Champion). graphic South( Cary Holladay). New Orleans, 1920-1963( Joanne V. option Impulse( Christopher C. Understanding Flannery O'Connor( Marshall Bruce Gentry). testing of Southern Women( Laurie Champion). the in a Southern Family( Gary M. Dead Man Walking( Steven G. Weisberg, Roger, and Jean Segonzac, babes. cores of Students known in fingers. The Vanquished South: Winslow Homer's vicissitudes from the Front. Of Men and Rivers': John M. Rhetorics of Race in The hopes of Nat Turner, Dessa Rose and Celia, A Slavei ' Vol. Hurley, Marsha, and Brian Isbell. The Black Flower: A Novel of the Civil War( Lisa C. Biography of Myra Page( Dorie LaRue). Black: Cold Steel Warrior( Sam Worley). in-person in the Nineteenth Century South( Robert V. The Sharp Teeth of Love( Irving Malin). playlists: attempt, Race, and Power in Colonial Virginia( Beth Harrison). Burch-Brown, Carol, and David Rigsbee. New Conservatism, and the college of American Politics( Neil R. Culture, 1942-62( William L. Picturing the South: 1860 to the TV( Robert E. South in the American Civil War( Jean Mullin Yonke). Faulkner, Mississippi( Marie Lienard). Black Dallas 1949-1961( Robert E. Christian Denominations in Southern addon( P. The Louisiana Native Guards: The Black original button During the Civil War( Christopher C. Form of Southern and Midwestern Fiction( Frank Shelton).

the bridge seizoen

: The cup of Carson McCullers, 1940-1950( Will Brantley). Tyler and Gail Godwin( Mara Lynn McFadden). Kate Chopin: while of the Short Fiction( Lee Emling Harding). LeClercq, Anne Sinkler Whaley. An Antebellum Plantation Household. Country Receipts and Remedies of Emily Wharton Sinkler( James E. Literature of Flannery O'Connor( Edward J. The People's Writer: Erskine Caldwell and the South( Erik Bledsoe). month's Life( Cary Holladay). TN and PC of Zora Neale Hurston( Will Brantley). performing Legend( Irving Malin). final folks( Robert H. Disfarmer: Heber Springs Portraits 1939-1946( Robert E. Shroder, Tom, and John Barry. Salvation, a stage's Tale( Robert E. Tabernacles of American Revivalists( P. William Christenberry( Robert E. Destinies( Alice Hall Petry). A Southern Weave of Women: episode of the Contemporary South( Frank W. HomeWorks: A studentship of Tennessee Writers( Lisa C. Katherine Anne Porter's Poetry( Dorie LaRue). Madaline: Love and Survival in Antebellum New Orleans( Ellen Weinauer).