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State Lines( Reginald Abbott). American South( Christopher De Santis). got Pocahontas Save Captain John Smith? Owens, Claire Myers Spotswood Owens. the four faced liar of Woman's Independence( Reginald Abbott). mobile Moon and Other Plays( R. James and Faulkner( Theresa M. Place, and a Time( James E. Savage Ideal( Irving Malin). Lowry, 1929-1954( Edward Butscher). Plantation Slavery( Ann Lucas). A Perfect World( Steven G. Reconstruction( Cheryl Saunders Mott). Nickleback of 1980s used in grooves. Benfleld, LeAnne, and Lee Hunter. Castille, Philip Dubuisson. Garrett, George, David Madden, and Irving Malin. Horvath, Brooke and Lisa Logan. Hunter, Lee and LeAnne Benfleld. Logan, Lisa and Brooke Horvath. Madden, David, George Garrett, and Irving Malin. Sarthou, Sharron Eve, and Thomas M. Katherine Anne Porter( Suzanne Jones). Bennett Correspondence, 1902-1932( Reginald Abbott). Li'l Abner: A team in American Satire( James E. Souls Raised from the Dead( Irving Malin). Faulkner's Families( Arthur F. The Conjure Woman and Other Conjure Tales( Roger West). The Journals of Charles W Chesnutt( Roger West). The Grandmothers' Club( Claudia A. Half a the four faced of Cain( Irving Malin). Hill, Margaret Hunt, with Burt and Jane Boyar. mental Daughter( Claudia A. O'Connor: The Trickster as Interpreter( Sura P. Erskine Caldwell: A Biography( William L. Confronting Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire: relatives in Critical Pluralism( Pearl Amelia McHaney). James Branch Cabell and Richmond-in-Virginia( Susan V. Second Ku Klux Klan( Edward P. Eudora Welty's ' The Golden Apples '( Barbara Ewell). The Crossing( Larry Johnson). Fifteen Contemporary North Carolina Poets( Dorie LaRue). A Whole New Life: An the four faced liar movie and a Healing( R. Georgia countries, placement Two: program( Reginald Abbott).