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ResponsiveConcepts - Advertising & Website Design
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D a i l y A d N e w s F e e d

w e l c o m e  t o  R e s p o n s i v e C o n c e p t s™. . .

We're an advertising design "micro-agency" that has helped clients get a better response from their web and advertising efforts.

Look around and get to know us....

Then give us a call. Let us answer your questions and help you fine-tune your efforts.

And thank you for visiting ResponsiveConcepts.

Cynthia Higgins, owner / creative director

Visit our booth at the
2005 New England Direct Marketing Association Conference
June 16, 2004 —La Cava Campus Center, Bentley College, Waltham, MA
Proud sponsor of the event.
And visit our work 24/7 at the following websites:

New England Direct Marketing Association

American Investigative Services, Inc
Carriage House Portraits, Inc

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Family Directories Family Private Directories

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